Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Color Purple

I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

The Color Purple follows the life of Celie Johnson as she struggles through life in the early 1900s. The film begins with Celie about 17 years old, giving birth to her second child, sired by her father. Her father takes the second child away from her and tells her never to tell anyone about it. Time passes and a local farmer, "Mister", comes by to marry Celie's younger, prettier sister, Nettie. Her father refuses to let Nettie marry and gives the man Celie instead. Mister neglects and abuses Celie until Nettie comes by asking to stay with them, because the father can't keep his hands off her. When Mister is unable to lure Nettie, he sends her away, leaving Celie more distraught than ever. Nettie promises to write unless death keeps her from it, but Celie never receives a letter. Meanwhile, Mister's lover, Shug Avery, comes to visit and befriends Celie, helping her to understand that she is more than Mister's servant. The movie culminates in Celie leaving Mister with the threat that everything he touches will fall apart until he does right by her. Mister finds compassion and goes to the INS to help Celie's sister Nettie prove that she is a US citizen and return from Africa where she has been living with Celie's two children who had been given to a missionary and his wife. Celie is reunited with Nettie and her two children in a heartfelt ending to an extraordinary film.

Mulle meeldis film väga. Steven Spielbergi film, mida ma muide ei teadnudki. Räägin siiani, õigemini mõtlen nende mustanahaliste Lõuna-Usa aktsendiga. I's married now.
Kõige rohkem meeldis mulle Mrs. Cecile Blues. Terve film oli suurepärane ja tahtsin seda väga uuesti vaadata, aga kaks tundi!!! UU.
Tundsin jälle, et ma pean lugema rohkem Toni Morrisoni, sest mu huvi just selle aja ja mustanahaliste vastu aina suureneb.

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